The Seclusium of theVikkodamus

Exploring the Art of Game Mastering

Seclusium of TheVikkodamus

Whitebox FMAG Remix House Rules

House Rules

Welcome, fellow adventurers! In this document, you will find everything important for our online game. The systems we will be using are Chaos Reigns (damage die), Lamentations of the Flame Princess (adult themes and weird consequences), Old-School Essentials (attribute scores), ShadowDark RPG (death timer and spellcasting), and White Box FMAG (simplicity of character creation). These games are OD&D clones, and the main differences are that abilities will be determined via six-sided dice, and saving throws will follow the Single Saving Throw from White Box FMAG. Other rules, such as encumbrance and spellcasting, will be different in this game, and these will be explained in this document.

Referee and Player Contract

My role as the game master is to immerse you in a world where monsters, magic, and other oddities exist. During our session zero or one, we will discuss what is acceptable and what is not for some players. I aim to evoke a sense of heroism and chivalry. However, violence against children, animals (except for ritual sacrifice, as some gods may demand this), and sexual violence will not be tolerated at the table, whether directed towards NPCs or PCs. As the game master, I strive to create an environment enjoyable for everyone. This should be a means of collective escapism and fun.

Attribute Scores (House ruled)

Roll 3d6 8 times and keep the highest six, then place them on the stats that make sense for your class and character. However, if you are one of those who wants to randomly generate your character, roll 3d6 down the line: STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, and CHA. Depending on what your scores look like, you can choose the class that makes sense with your roll.

Roll for Gold!

Roll 3d6 and then multiply it by 10.

Random Character Creation

This is allowed, as player characters may fall in battle. Quick character creation generators are allowed on our table. Please use these sources and have the referee help modify their characters' modifier scores to fit the game. GM will offer starting packs for player characters.

Modifier Scores (Old-School Essentials Rule)

Stat Roll Modifier
3 -3
4-5 -2
6-8 -1
9-12 ±0
13-15 +1
16-17 +2
18 +3

Encumbrance (ShadowDark Rules)

You can carry all the items you want. However, every hero has a limit. We will measure your weight limit by slots, not by pounds or coin weight. Players will use Strength as their determining factor. If you have a Strength score of 10 or higher, you can carry that amount of slots. If your Strength score is 10 or lower, you can hold up to 10 slots. If player is encumbered they will move half their speed and roll with disadvantage.

At Death's Door (House Ruled & ShadowDark)

Once your character reaches 0 health points, they are not dead. However, they are seriously injured. The player will roll a STR saving throw to determine if they are still in the battle. If they pass their saving throw, they may continue fighting. If the player is attacked by an enemy or monster, the attack will automatically be a critical hit. Once the player character's health points reach a negative value equal to their maximum health points, the character is dead. If the player does not meet the saving throw, the player will fall and begin to bleed out. The player will roll 1d4+CON to determine how long they have before rolling their Death saving throw. The player must beat their class death saving throw.

Armor (White Box rules)

In this game, we will be using the Ascending Armor Class, known as AAC. Player characters will roll 1d20 + To-hit Bonus to determine if they reach the target number.

Armor Table

Armor AAC Slots Cost (gp)
Chain Mail +4 2 30
Leather +2 1 15
Plate Mail +6 3 50
Shield +1 1 10


Class Packs (Fast Equipping)

Procedure: Players each get the basic pack, plus a small amount of gold and silver, and can choose one pack for their class. Additional packs can be purchased with any extra money.

Basic pack for all classes: Backpack, bedroll, waterskin, traveling cloak, flint and steel, five days trail rations, large sack, belt pouch with 2d6 gold, 2d6 silver.

Class Packs



Table: Adventure Gear

Item Cost (gp)
Backpack 5
Bedroll 2
Belladonna, bunch 10
Bottle (wine), glass 1
Case (map or scroll) 3
Crowbar 5
Flint & Steel 5
Garlic 10
Grappling Hook 5
Hammer 2
Helmet 10
Holy Symbol, wooden 2
Holy Symbol, silver 25
Holy Water, small vial 25
Lantern 10
Mirror (small), steel 5
Oil (lamp), 1 pint 2
Pole, 10 feet 1
Sack (small) 1
Sack (medium) 2
Shovel 5
Spellbook (blank) 100
Spikes (12), iron 1
Stakes (12), wooden 1
Tent 20
Thieves' Tool 25
Torches (6) 1
Waterskin 1
Wolfsbane, bunch 10

Unless noted, all gear besides typical clothing fills one gear slot. Gear that is hard to transport might fill more than one slot.


Type Cost (gp)
Armor, horse (barding) 320w
Bags, saddle 10
Boat 100
Cart 80
Galley, large 30,000
Galley, small 10,000
Horse, draft 30
Horse, light riding 40
Mule 20
Raft 40
Saddle 25

Armor, Items, and Weapons - Continued


This game will be using Chaos Reigns damage die making this game faster and exciting!


Weapon Tag & Slot Cost (gp)
Axe, Battle Medium, 2 slots 7
Axe, Hand Light, 1 slot 3
Club Medium, 1 slot ---
Dagger Light, 1 slot 3
Flail Medium, 1 slot 8
Mace Medium, 1 slot 6
Morning Star Medium, 1 slot 6
Polearm Heavy, 2 slots 7
Spear Medium, 2 slots 2
Staff Medium, 2 slots 1
Sword, Long Medium, 2 slots 10
Sword, Short Medium, 1 slot 8
Sword, Two-handed Heavy, 3 slots 15
Warhammer Medium, 1 slot 5

Melee Weapons Symbols

*Two-handed weapon † Can be used as either a one-handed or two-handed weapon ‡ Can be used as either a melee or missile weapon

Missile Weapons

Weapon Tag & Slot Rate of Fire Range Cost (gp)
Axe, Hand Light, 1 slot 1 10' 3
Bolt, Crossbow (30) --- --- --- 5
Bow, Long Medium, 2 slots 2 70' 40
Bow, Short Medium, 2 slots 2 50' 25
Crossbow, Heavy Heavy, 2 slots 1/2 80' 25
Crossbow, Light Light, 1 slot 1 60' 15
Sling Light, 1 slot 1 30' 2
Spear Medium, 2 slots 1 20' 2

Missile Attack Distance and Penalty

All missile weapons are two-handed (except hand axe, light crossbow, sling, and spear.)

Initiative Rules

For initiative, both sides roll 1d6. The side that rolls higher can elect to go first or last. They can also elect to interrupt the actions of the enemy to resolve their actions. (For example, waiting for an enemy to move to them then attacking first.) Equal rolls mean that actions occur simultaneously — characters who are killed during the round get to complete their actions.

Combat Rules

  1. Both sides declare actions. Declare spells and melee movement.

  2. Both sides roll 1d6 for initiative.

  3. Actions are resolved in the following order:

    a. Movement

    b. Missile attacks

    c. Spell casting

    d. Melee attacks

  4. Morale is checked, if required.

Spell Casting (ShadowDark Rules)

To cast as a cleric or magic-user spell you know, make a spellcasting check by rolling 1d20 + your Wisdom (Cleric) or Intelligence (Magic-User) modifier. The DC to successfully cast a spell is 10 + the spell’s tier.

If you fail your spellcasting check, the spell does not take effect. You can’t cast that spell again until you complete a rest.

Magic-User Spell. If the spell was a Magic-User spell, you can’t cast that spell again until you successfully complete a rest. You must also roll on the Wizard Mishap table corresponding to the spell’s tier.

Cleric Spell. If the spell was a priest spell, your deity is greatly displeased and revokes its power. You can’t cast that spell again until you complete ritualistic penance to your deity and successfully complete a rest.


The GM determines the exact nature of the penance you must undertake based on your deity and alignment. Penance requires a holy quest, ritualistic atonement, or a material sacrifice that you donate or destroy.

Inadequate or subversive penance (such as donating your sacrifice to a party member) only displeases your deity further and makes the spell loss permanent.

Spell list:

Spells from other systems

You may ask the referee if they are willing to allow the player to use spell other OSR systems.

GM Other System Approved list:

Tasks and Abilities

Opening Doors Unlocked Doors

Listening Doors

Secret Door

Detecting Traps

Referee May Ask Players for Modifiers

The referee may ask players for certain modifiers that could help them in the mentioned tasks. Assigning a number to these modifiers may increase their chances of success. For example, if a dwarf is trying to open a door, the referee may apply the dwarf's strength modifier, increasing the chance to 1-3 in 6. Additionally, certain gear may also assist in this endeavor.

The end?

In conclusion, this document serves as a comprehensive guide for our upcoming adventures in the world of tabletop roleplaying. With a blend of classic systems like Chaos Reigns, Lamentations of the Flame Princess, Old-School Essentials, ShadowDark RPG, and White Box FMAG, we aim to create a thrilling and immersive experience for all players involved.

Our house rules ensure that while we embrace the spirit of traditional gaming, we also maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone at the table.

So let's dive into this world of monsters, magic, and mystery together, and let our imaginations run wild as we embark on epic quests, face formidable foes, and forge unforgettable memories. With these rules as our guide, let's embark on an adventure like no other and make our mark on the tapestry of legend. Let the games begin!

#FMAG #House Rules #LOFTP #Lamentations of the flame princess #OSE #Old-school Essentials #Shadowdark #Spellcasting #TTRPG #WhiteBox