The Seclusium of theVikkodamus

Exploring the Art of Game Mastering

Seclusium of TheVikkodamus

White Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game

White Box FMAG, as the name suggests, offers players a fantastic medieval adventure gaming experience. At its core, it's a tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) designed to be easy to learn and flexible enough to accommodate various playstyles and preferences.

White Box FMAG Cover

Core Components:

The book spans 140 pages, covering essential aspects such as rules, ancestry or race options, class selections, weaponry, equipment, and a plethora of monsters to encounter. Despite its comprehensive content, White Box FMAG maintains a concise and accessible format, ensuring that players can quickly grasp its mechanics and dive into gameplay without feeling overwhelmed.

Flexibility and Customization:

One of the standout features of White Box FMAG is its emphasis on customization and adaptability. The rulebook explicitly encourages Game Masters (GMs), referred to as Referees in this context, to modify and tailor the rules according to their preferences and the needs of their gaming group. This flexibility allows for a truly personalized gaming experience, where the storytelling and gameplay mechanics can evolve organically based on the collective creativity of the players and the GM.

As an Example: The game will offer different options for rolling characters, such as rolling 3d6 six times and having the players rearrange their stats as they see fit for their class.

Attribute Bonus

Attribute Rolls Description Modifier
3-6 Below -1
7-14 Average ±0
15-18 High +1

As an Optional Rule: The referee or game master can adjust the average modifier to start at 7-12, making 13-18 the new high range. This decision is up to the referee and their players to decide if lowering the threshold would be something they want to do.

Empowering the Referee:

A central tenet of White Box FMAG is empowering the Referee to exercise their creative authority within the game. By providing guidelines rather than rigidly defined rules, the system fosters a collaborative approach to storytelling where the Referee plays a pivotal role in shaping the narrative and resolving conflicts. This emphasis on the Referee's autonomy not only encourages innovation but also ensures that each gaming session remains dynamic and engaging.


The White Box, is hackable and easy to adjust to your liking. I am planning to use Chaos Reigns damage for weapons.
Chaos Reigns Cover

I love Old-School Essentials RPG, and White Box follows the initiative, intent, and surprise rules.

Combat Sequence:

This Game is simple

In White Box FMAG, players won't find a multitude of ancestries or races to choose from. The game will offer Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, and Human. Instead, the game offers a concise selection of four classes, each with its own distinct abilities and playstyle. This streamlined approach allows players to focus on the fundamentals of role-playing without getting bogged down by intricate character creation mechanics.

For some players, this simplicity is a breath of fresh air. It encourages creativity and strategic thinking, challenging players to make the most of limited options and find unique combinations within the constraints of the game's rules. However, those who prefer expansive character customization or intricate lore may find White Box FMAG lacking in depth.

Each class and ancestry or race will have their own ability that can help you make your playable character shine in play. Each ancestry/race will have their own 1-in x chances to find traps, open door, stealth.

For example:

My own ruling on Stealth Check:

Final Thoughts:

White Box FMAG stands out as a prime example of a foundational TTRPG system that prioritizes simplicity, flexibility, and creativity. With its affordable price point and comprehensive yet adaptable rule set, it offers both novice and seasoned players alike an immersive gaming experience limited only by their imagination. Whether embarking on epic quests, battling fearsome monsters, or forging alliances with fellow adventurers, White Box FMAG provides the framework for unforgettable medieval adventures, bound only by the boundaries of your imagination.

The DriveThruRPG link, it is an affiliate link. If any purchase is made with that link, it will help me in the long run. I added this for transparency. You can find White Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game on these different stores:

Free Resources:

# #Basic #OSR #Old-School D&D #Resources #Review #S&W #TTRPG #White Box