The Seclusium of theVikkodamus

Exploring the Art of Game Mastering

Seclusium of TheVikkodamus

Star Wars EZD6 Homebrew

EZD6 Homebrew


This homebrew introduces additional rules to enhance the gameplay experience in the Star Wars EZD6 system. The focus areas include Encumbrance, Force Mishap, Force Burn, Healing, and Stun Rules. I have done some update to the homebrew 01/15/2024.

Encumbrance Rule:

Each Pusher and Shover begins with a base of 10 slots in their inventory. The number of slots can be adjusted based on the character's chosen path and associated health/strikes:

Item Slot Allocation:

If the pusher and shover are encumbered:

Note: Any small items will not take a slot.

Force Mishap Rules

A Force mishap occurs when a trained or Force-sensitive character uses the Force, and the roll fails. Rolling a 1 and another result that doesn't meet or beat the resistance level triggers the mishap.

For Rabble Rousers: Force mishaps will be triggered when two 1's are rolled. This aligns the odds of a mishap occurring with rolling a single 1 on a 20-sided die (2.8% on 2D6, 5% on a D20, and 7.4% on 3D6).

In our table, a mishap will occur if multiple 1s are rolled.


If a Force-Sensitive or Force-Trained user rolls a 1 while using the Force, the force manipulation can still occur, but they take 1 strike for each 1 rolled.

The RR will ask the pusher and shover if they would like to take the strike or roll on the mishap table.

Availability Code

1 - Readily available throughout the galaxy.

2 - Available only in large cities and space ports through the Empire and corporate sector.

3 - Specialized Item, available only at planet origin.

4 - Rare Item, difficult to find anywhere.

F - Fee or permit required for purchase.

R - Restricted. May not purchase or sell without an appropriate local or Imperial License.

X - Illegal. Possession or use violates local or Imperial law. Punishments are severe.

Notes: Weapons can be obtained even if they are illegal. For example, the Bounty Hunter, Hired Gun, Mandalorian, Slicer, Smuggler, and Pilot paths. Due to the dangerous nature of their jobs, individuals following these paths may already possess some of these weapons. The RR will not allow anything from any Imperial Officer or Stormtroopers since their gear and weapons are closely monitored, unless the Pusher and Shover can make a compelling argument for having such items in their possession.

Melee Weapons

M-Weapons Slots Wounds Availability
Bayonet 1 1 2, F
Knife 1 1 1
Force Pike 2 1 2, R
Lightsaber + 1-2 1-2 Only Sith and Jedi can use this
Staff or Club 1 1 1
Spear 1 1 1
Vibroaxe 1 1 2, R
Vibrobayonet 1 1 2, F
Vibroblade 1 1 2, F

Whenever an item has +, it may have a different variation of this weapon.

Lightsaber Styles Slots Wounds
Single Blade 1 1
Dual Wield 2 1
Double-Bladed Staff 2 1
Cross Guard Blade 2 2

Ranged Weapons

R-Weapons Slots Wounds Availability
Blaster Carbine + 1-2 1 1, R
Blaster Pistol 1 1 1, R
Blaster Rifle st 2 1 2, X
Hold-Out Blaster 1 1 2, R
Hold-Out Stun Pistol 1 1 1, F
Musket Slugthrower 3 2 2, R
Rifle 2 1 2, R
Sporting Blaster st 1 1 2, R
Stun Pistol st 1 1 2, R
Wookie Bowcaster 3 2 3, R

Whenever an item has +, it may have stock or barrel accessories. An item with st can stun an enemy.

Note: Ion Weapons are effective against Droids and Vehicles.

Healing Rules:

In Star Wars, there are Medpacs, Bacta Tanks, and Medicine available in the game.

Note: The Bacta Tank can heal status or wounds in a few hours. After treatment, the Pusher and Shover should rest. Due to the extra rest, the Pusher and Shover will recover an additional strike.

Stun Rules:

In the Star Wars universe, certain weapons are equipped with a stun mode for blasters. The Pusher and Shover characters must declare their intention to use their blasters or any other weapon in stun mode when attempting to incapacitate an enemy. In this kind of action, the player still needs to hit the enemy. The Rabble Rouser will roll a d4 rounds, and if the player rolls a 6, we will follow the 'exploding' 6 rules. If the Pusher and Shover roll multiple sixes, that will equate to hours for the enemy to be incapacitated.

This is perfect for capturing and then interrogating a target.

Star Wars Monsters and Enemies


Description: Aggressive, mantis-like creatures with multiple limbs and razor-sharp pincers. Often found in the wild on various planets. They are used in execution arenas.

To Hit: 4 Strikes: 12

Bounty Hunter

Description: A skilled and ruthless individual for hire, Bounty Hunters track down and capture or eliminate targets for the right price.

To Hit: 4 Strikes: 5

Death Trooper

Description: Elite soldiers of the Galactic Empire, Death Troopers are highly trained and equipped for special operations.

To Hit: 4 Strikes: 6


Description: A tentacled, trash compactor-dwelling creature with a single eye, known for its ability to snatch prey with its tentacles.

To Hit: 4 Strikes: 6

Gamorrean Warrior

Description: Muscular and pig-like warriors hailing from Gamorr, known for their strength and combat skills.

To Hit: 3 Strikes: 3


Description: Dark side Force-sensitive agents tasked with hunting down and eliminating Jedi and other threats to the Empire.

Strikes: 9 To-Hit 4


Description: Rogue individuals operating outside the law, Space Pirates roam the galaxy in search of plunder and opportunities.

|To Hit: 3 | Strikes: 3 |


Description: Rogue individuals operating outside the law, Space Pirates roam the galaxy in search of plunder and opportunities.

To Hit: 3 Strikes: 3

Outlaw Scoundrel

Description: Opportunistic criminals and thieves who roam the outskirts of civilization, preying on unsuspecting travelers in the galaxy's lawless regions.

To Hit: 3 Strikes: 3


Description: Enormous reptilian creatures with tough hides and sharp claws, often used as gladiatorial beasts in criminal enterprises.

To Hit: 4 Strikes: 20

Sith Lord Apprentice

Description: Apprentices to Sith Lords, these Force-sensitive individuals are trained in the dark side of the Force and wield lightsabers.

To Hit: 5 Strikes: 12

Sith Lord

Description: Powerful Force-sensitive practitioners of the dark side, Sith Lords wield deadly lightsabers and command dark side abilities.

To Hit: 6 Strikes: 15


Description: Elite soldiers of the Galactic Empire, Stormtroopers wear iconic white armor, wield blaster rifles, and serve as the Empire's disciplined military force. Known for their loyalty and group tactics, they enforce Imperial rule across the galaxy. Recognizable by their face-concealing helmets, Stormtroopers are a symbol of Imperial authority.

To Hit: 3 Strikes: 1

Stormtrooper Commander

Description: Distinguished leaders among the ranks of Stormtroopers, captains command with authority and tactical acumen.

To Hit: 4 Strikes: 3

Tusken Raider

Description: Indigenous inhabitants of Tatooine, Tusken Raiders are skilled desert nomads known for their survival instincts and ambush tactics.

To Hit: 3 Strikes: 1

More homebrew content with vehicle rules. Hopefully, we will change the vehicle rules once the WasteWorld EZD6 comes out! May the Force be with you!

# #Character Creation #Encumbrance #Healing rules #Homebrew #Inventory management #Monsters #Rules #Stun