The Seclusium of theVikkodamus

Exploring the Art of Game Mastering

Seclusium of TheVikkodamus

Guazábara (Working title)

Guazábara RPG is a simplified RPG that uses a 20-sided die against a character's ability. This game's combat can be lethal. The Referee will award players for thinking outside the box. It is meant to be narrative-focused with simple mechanics, only rolling for risky situations against a character's ability score.


Written by Victor Gregory (TheVikkodamus) Text licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0.


This game was inspired by Cairn, Chaos Reign, Dragonbane, Into the Odd, Liminal Horror, MÖRK BORG, and other system before them.

What Do You Need?

Game Mechanics

The Referee will narrate and present opportunities for players to interact with NPCs, monsters, and the world. Whenever a player character does something risky or uncertain, they will roll a d20 and aim for a result that is equal to or lower than their relevant ability score.


A test occurs whenever a player character attempts a risky action, such as sneaking past a guard, or picking a lock. Examples of situations that require a test include:

Boon and Bane

Boons and Banes modify the standard test roll in situations where a character has an advantage or disadvantage:

Example: A character with an Agility of 12 is attempting to sneak past a guard in a poorly lit area. They have a cloak that grants them a Boon when sneaking. They roll 2d20 and get a 15 and a 9. They keep the lower result (9). Since 9 is lower than their Agility of 12, they succeed at the test and sneak past the guards.

Gear Assistance

When a player character uses gear that helps with a test, they will roll with a Boon. This roll is then compared against their relevant attribute to see if they are successful.

For Example: A character with an Agility of 12 is attempting to sneak past a guard in a poorly lit area. They have a cloak that grants them a bonus when sneaking. They roll 2d20 and get a 15 and a 9. They keep the lower result (9). Since 9 is lower than their Agility of 12, they succeed at the test. The player character can sneak past the guards and enter the ballroom.

Author's Note: Most Gear can help with a Boon, depending on the state of the item it can negate the boon. Thus, this will make the roll from 2d20KL to just rolling a d20.

Pushing Rolls

Whenever a player fails a Test roll, they have the option to push their roll, re-rolling the test but at a risk. If the player chooses to push, they must accept the new roll's result, and their character gains a condition.

Author Notes: A fumble roll cannot be pushed. However, when a spell caster rolls a fumble, they may sacrifice some of their Hit Points to activate their spell. The caster decides how much power to force into the spell, with the effect depending on the amount of Hit Points sacrificed. The Referee or Player can roll for the effect.

Dealing with Conditions

Conditions represent negative effects that hinder a character's abilities. They impose a Bane on all relevant tests. These conditions can be cured or mitigated with rest, specific items, or a successful spell.

Character Creation

Players will roll 3 six-sided dice down the line and note the results on their character sheet. All PCs begin with:

Generating Max Hit Points

Players will roll a d6 and add their MIGHT score to the roll to calculate Max HP.

What Abilities Do You Use?

BoneDust uses 4 abilities that represent each test in the game.


Players should avoid going to combat. This is dangerous! Characters will have to roll to see who goes first. If the character rolls a result that meets or is under their AGILITY score, they will go first. If the player is over their score, the enemy will go first.

Player Characters do not roll to hit when attacking. Both sides will automatically hit. They will roll the weapon's damage die. If the player character rolls a 1, this is a fumble. If the player character rolls max damage, it is a critical. Critical damage will bring down enemies or the player character's armor 1 tier down. A fumble roll means the enemy or player character's weapon will lose quality until the weapon is broken.

Whenever multiple Player Characters or enemies attack one target, they all roll their damage die and keep the highest result.


During Combat, Player Characters can move up to 40 feet or 8 squares on a battle map. In the BoneDust RPG, distances are simplified into three categories to make movement and engagement straightforward:

What can I do in a Round?

At the beginning of each round, PCs will declare their actions before any dice are rolled. PCs Take one action, which can be:


Weapon Type Example Weapons Damage Die
Unarmed --- d4
Light Weapons Club, Dagger, Short Sword d6
Medium Weapons Axe, Mace, Spear, Sword d8
Heavy Weapons Greatsword, Halberd, Warhammer d10
Ranged Weapons Crossbow, Shortbow, Sling d6
Heavy Ranged Weapons Heavy Crossbow, Longbow d8

When Reaching 0 HP

When a playable character reaches 0 Hit Points, they are knocked down. Referee will roll the Scar table and will inform PC of their injury. The Referee will then call for a MIGHT test.

Scar Table

How can I roll a d66? First Roll (Tens Digit): Roll a 1d6 and multiply the result by 10 to get the tens digit. Alternatively, you can treat the result as:

1 = 10, 2 = 20, 3 = 30, 4 = 40, 5 = 50, and 6 = 60.

Second Roll (Ones Digit): Roll a 1d6 again to get the ones digit. Combine the Results: Combine the two rolls to get a number between 11 and 66.

Example First Roll: You roll a 4. This means your tens digit is 40. Second Roll: You roll a 2. This means your ones digit is 2. Final Result: 42!!

d66 Roll Injury Effect
11-16 Lasting Scar: Roll 1d6 for location 1: Neck, 2: Hands, 3-4: Eye, 5: Chest, 6: Legs. Roll 1d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result as your max HP.
21-26 Rattling Blow You’re disoriented and shaken. Describe how you refocus. Roll 1d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result as your max HP.
31-36 Walloped You’re sent flying and land flat on your face, winded. You suffer Bane rolls until you rest for a few hours. Then, roll 1d6 and add that amount to your max HP.
41-43 Broken Limb: Arm Once mended, roll 2d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result as your max HP. -1 Might until mended.
44 Broken Limb: Rib Once mended, roll 2d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result as your max HP. -1 MIGHT until mended.
45 Broken Limb: Skull Once mended, roll 2d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result as your max HP. -1 to all stats until mended.
46 Broken Limb: Leg Once mended, roll 2d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result as your max HP. -1 Agility until mended.
51-56 Diseased You’re afflicted with a gross, uncomfortable infection. When you get over it, roll 2d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result as your max HP.
61 Reorienting Head Wound: Might Roll 3d6. If the total is higher than your current Might score, take the new result.
62 Reorienting Head Wound: Agility Roll 3d6. If the total is higher than your current Agility score, take the new result.
63 Reorienting Head Wound: Willpower Roll 3d6. If the total is higher than your current Willpower score, take the new result.
64 Hamstrung You can barely move until you get serious help and rest. After recovery, roll 3d6. If the total is higher than your max Agility, take the new result.
65 Deafened You cannot hear anything until you find extraordinary aid. Regardless, make a Willpower test. If you pass, increase your max Willpower by 1d4.
66 Grievous Wound You are severely injured and suffer Bane rolls. Make a MIGHT test. If you fail, you die. If you succeed, roll 2d6 and reduce your max HP by that amount. You continue to suffer Bane rolls until you receive significant medical attention or magical healing.

Author's Note: Once a player character reaches 0 Hit Points, the referee will ask for a MIGHT test. If the player succeeds, they are injured but remain in the fight. However, they are in a precarious state. If they take any further damage that reduces their HP to a negative value, they die instantly.

Armor Damage Reduction

When a player character receives damage from an enemy, they will roll the die associated with their armor's tier to determine how much damage is reduced before noting their new current Hit Points.

Armor Tier Example Armor Damage Reduction Die
Tier 1 Leather Armor, Padded Armor -d4
Tier 2 Chainmail, Scale Mail -d6
Tier 3 Full Plate, Plate Armor -d8

If armor takes critical damage, roll the corresponding damage reduction and then decrease its tier down to the next die.

Armor Penalty

Armor plays a crucial role in helping Player Characters (PCs) navigate dangerous situations involving various factions or monsters. Different types of armor provide varying levels of damage absorption, allowing PCs to survive harsher encounters. However, not all armor is easy to move in; the bulkier the armor, the more it hinders movement.

Armor Tier Example Armor Movement Penalty
Tier 1 Leather Armor, Padded Armor None
Tier 2 Chainmail, Scale Mail 30 feet (-10 feet)
Tier 3 Full Plate, Plate Armor 20 feet (-20 feet)

How Many Items and Gear I can Carry?

Player Characters start with a number of inventory slots equal to their MIGHT score, or 10 slots if their MIGHT is less than 9. Encumbered characters suffer a Bane on all rolls and move at half their normal movement rate. If they are wearing medium armor, their movement is reduced to 30 feet. If they are wearing heavy armor, they cannot move at all.


Spell casters have learned the basic principles of spellcasting and rituals, but they are still dangerous to use. There are only two categories for spells in Guazábara, Rituals and Spells. Spells are instantaneous actions that require focus and vocal casting. They can be learned, memorized, and stored in scrolls or spellbooks. If a spell caster loses their (INSIGHT), the spell might fizzle out or misfire. The spell's effect lasts for one round or at the Referee's discretion.

Rituals are lengthy and elaborate ceremonies. These can range from an hour to a full day, depending on the complexity and significance of the ritual (WILLPOWER). They often require specific components, rare ingredients, and certain environmental conditions. Rituals can summon creatures, enchant objects, or perform other powerful magic feats.

The Referee will decide the effect of the ritual on the story.

How Many Spells Can I Learn? Cast Per Day?:

In Guazábara RPG, a character's ability to learn and cast spells is directly tied to their INSIGHT stat, which represents their understanding of arcane knowledge and their mental acuity. The higher the character's Insight, the more spells they can learn and the more frequently they can cast them.

STAT # of Spells Can Be Learned Cast per Day
8-10 1 2
11-13 2 3
13-15 3 4
16-17 4 5
18+ 5 6

A character's Insight score determines the number of spells they can learn. For example, a character with an Insight of 8-10 can learn 1 spell, while a character with an Insight of 16-17 can learn up to 4 spells. This reflects the character's capacity to comprehend and retain arcane knowledge.

The same Insight score also limits how many spells the character can cast each day. For instance, a character with an Insight of 8-10 can cast spells twice per day, while a character with an Insight of 16-17 can cast spells five times per day. This restriction ensures that magic remains a powerful but finite resource.

How to Cast a Spell:

Spell Generator

Roll Spell Name Description
11 Arcane Flame Creates a small flame in the caster's hand that burns until extinguished.
12 Whispering Winds Summons a gentle breeze that can carry whispers or small objects.
13 Illusionary Image Creates a simple, small visual illusion within a short distance.
14 Minor Levitation Lifts a small object (up to 10 lbs) for a short duration.
15 Shadow Cloak Envelops the caster in shadows, granting them a boon to stealth.
16 Frost Touch The caster's touch can freeze a small amount of liquid or chill an object.
21 Thunder Clap Creates a loud noise that can startle or distract creatures.
22 Feather Fall Slows the descent of the caster or another target, preventing fall damage.
23 Light Causes an object to glow with a soft light for a few hours.
24 Arcane Lock Magically locks a door or container. Requires a spell to unlock.
25 Binding Vines Summons vines that can entangle a small creature or object.
26 Detect Magic Reveals magical auras or enchantments in the nearby area.
31 Mage Hand A spectral hand appears to manipulate small objects at a distance.
32 Healing Word Heals a small amount of damage or stabilizes a dying creature.
33 Gust of Wind Summons a powerful gust that can knock over or push creatures.
34 Arcane Shield Summons a magical barrier that absorbs a small amount of damage.
35 Spectral Voice Projects the caster's voice to a distant location, allowing them to speak from afar.
36 Fireball Hurls a small ball of fire that explodes on impact, dealing damage.
41 Invisibility Renders the caster or a target invisible for a short duration.
42 Summon Familiar Summons a small magical creature to assist the caster.
43 Knock Unlocks a door or container, even if magically sealed.
44 Blink Teleports the caster a short distance instantly.
45 Water Breathing Allows the caster or a target to breathe underwater for a short time.
46 Detect Thoughts Allows the caster to sense the surface thoughts of nearby creatures.
51 Earth Tremor Causes a small earthquake, shaking the ground and knocking creatures prone.
52 Phantom Steed Summons a spectral horse or mount that can carry the caster quickly.
53 Wall of Force Creates an invisible barrier that blocks movement and attacks.
54 Control Water Manipulates water, allowing the caster to shape or move it.
55 Arcane Eye Creates a magical eye that can see distant locations and report back to the caster.
56 Lightning Bolt Shoots a bolt of lightning in a straight line, dealing damage to everything in its path.
61 Dispel Magic Negates or removes magical effects or curses.
62 Polymorph Transforms the caster or a target into another creature temporarily.
63 Summon Elemental Summons an elemental (fire, water, earth, or air) to fight for the caster.
64 Telekinesis Allows the caster to move objects with their mind.
65 Time Stop Freezes time for a few moments, allowing the caster to act while everything else is frozen.
66 Wish Grants the caster a powerful but risky wish, altering reality in unpredictable ways.

How to Perform a Ritual:


  1. Whenever a player rolls a 20. The PCs can mark the failed attribute test for later in end of session.
  2. Player can roll for each marked stat, the player rolls a d20.
  1. Player cannot increase stat once the attribute reaches 18.

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