The Seclusium of theVikkodamus

Exploring the Art of Game Mastering

Seclusium of TheVikkodamus

Exploring Deadly Adventures in Tabletop Role-Playing Games

It's been a while since I last immersed myself in the world of 5e games. Instead, I've been diving into Liminal Horror, Old-School Essentials, and Pirate Borg. My fascination has shifted towards Old School Renaissance and Revival games due to their inherent lethality. As a Game Master, I have to support players while maintaining impartiality. I adhere to the outcomes of dice rolls; a fumble is embraced as much as a critical success, illustrating the harsh and perilous nature of adventuring.

In recent sessions I've participated in, at least two concluded with Total Party Kills. Old-School Essentials enforces a clear death rule: "A character or monster reduced to 0 hit points or less is killed." Introducing a newcomer to the fold, accustomed to 5e's safety net, highlighted the sharp contrast in OSR's approach to death. This prompted me to dive into a Lamentations of the Flame Princess adventure.

Old-School Essentials -- Tower of the Stargazer

The session revolved around a thief's audacious theft from a trapped wizard, intending to distribute the loot among fellow players. However, differing intentions within the party altered the trajectory. Amid these dynamics, the tragic demise of the butcher unfolded, entangled in the morbid grip of a cadaver's lower intestine. This event spurred the birth of a new character, the dim-witted Ranger, venturing to liberate Calcidius the Wizard.

A cat-and-mouse chase ensued as the party confronted Calcidius. He ensnared the thief in his charm to reclaim his belongings, launching an onslaught of magic against the players. The Ranger met a fatal end, realizing too late the true nature of the Wizard's allegiance. Despite the Ranger's valiant attempts to shield the thief, a lightning bolt sealed their fate. Subsequently, the Wizard's fog of poison coerced the thief to break free from the charm. The thief's desperate bid to reclaim his pilfered items ended in vain as his body plummeted from a tower window.

Unraveling the Undead Threat

In a Pirate Borg game, the task was safeguarding Father Wallace, who committed to ridding Black Bay Cove of its undead scourge. Father Wallace initiated his ritual as the adventurers fortified their position in a graveyard. Their battle against an unrelenting horde of zombies unfolded, driven to halt Father Wallace and feast upon any obstacle, including the Father himself. Amidst this chaos, the Brute suffered a grievous attack, resulting in a fatal hemorrhage.

The Zealot Priest, recognizing the urgency, attempted to move the Brute to safety, despite having a limited timeframe for healing. The daunting presence of a massive zombie added to the challenge. However, the real test came in the form of the "Grog Barrel," an immense zombie wearing a parliament wig. The undead behemoth unleashed havoc until Chomper, the dire crocodile aided by Joe's undead bird, intervened. Nevertheless, the losses were great – Furious George the Monkey, Gideon the Zealot Priest, and Joe "Pidgeon" the Rapscallion.

Facing Total Party Annihilation

Despite the valiant efforts put forth, the outcome of the second session resulted in yet another Total Party Kill. The insurmountable curse claimed the lives of the entire party. These unrelenting challenges vividly demonstrated tabletop RPGs' high stakes and capricious nature, leaving us with indelible tales of triumph and tragedy. TPKs are meant to be memorable. Some heroes are unable to share their tales. The next wave of heroes should be wiser and somewhat more experienced, discerning when to stand their ground and when to strategically retreat.

#osr #reflection #rpg