The Seclusium of theVikkodamus

Exploring the Art of Game Mastering

Seclusium of TheVikkodamus

Monsters and NPCs Creation [Updated 11/22/2023]

Greetings, fellow players! It's been a while since my last post. This guide will help you create NPCs and monsters for your Barebones RPG session. We'll delve into the categories, hit dice, dice rolls, and abilities, covering the essentials for bringing monsters and enemies to life in Barebones RPG. GMs can use dice like d4, d8, d10, and d12 for number-appearing creatures or monsters.

Monster Encounter, Reaction, and Surprise rules.


The GM will roll for an encounter using a six-sided die, and depending on the biome, environment, and how noisy the players are while exploring a dungeon, it may increase the chance of them encountering a wandering monster.

The typical chance of encountering a wandering monster is 1-in-6.

A Die Encounter is rolled. Whenever a one is rolled, an encounter will always happen. The GM will then roll for a Number Appearing, Reaction (if is not obvious for the GM), and Surprise rolls. This should give an idea of how many monsters are in the area, how it will react toward the players, and if the Monsters or the Players are surprised.

Monster Reaction

2d6 Result
2 Kill the PCs
3–5 Hostile, may attack
6–8 Uncertain, confused
9–11 Indifferent, may negotiate
12 or more Eager, friendly

Surprise Roll

Results: A result of 1 or 2 means the side is surprised.

The Effects of Surprise


Morale is determined after the initiative roll. Enemies check their morale when they reach half their HP or lose their leader. The GM rolls 2d6 to ascertain the enemy's reaction and actions.

Stay & Fight Flee Surrenders
2-8 9-11 12

Converting OSR to Barebones RPG

Hit Die | HD

The Game Master should be familiar with the Hit Die. Most OSRs are rolled with a d8. However, in Barebones, the GM can roll with a d6 or use the average roll of a d6 (3 due to rounding down) multiplied by the number on HD. In our zine, we assign each monster an average roll and then add a base bonus based on the category to which the monster belongs.

No Save or Check rolls for Monsters | S/C

Monsters in BBRPG don't have any Save or Check rolls; they automatically perform their abilities. However, players must roll with a burden for this save. The monsters in BBRPG have evolved to be inherently dangerous. Nevertheless, if players have retainers or NPCs, they do have to make Save or Check rolls, with the GM using (n) HD for these rolls.

Armor | Arm

Certain monsters will wear or possess some form of natural armor. For some, it's simpler to calculate armor by adding the base and their HD, then dividing the total by 2. If the result is n.5, round it up. For example, with 2 bases + 2 HD = 4/2, the monster will have -d2 armor. In contrast, for certain enemies or monsters, if the result is 1, the monster will have an armor value of 1, subtracting incoming damage by 1.

Attack | Att

A monster can attack up to n times and then add a feature or a weapon. Utilize the weapon information from the cheat sheet or zine. The monster's weapon will be in the Weapon Tag + (n) HD damage format. If the GM plays as an NPC, they can use the Weapon tag + 1 damage for untrained NPCs. For battle-trained NPCs, use the Weapon tag + 2 damage. Remember that some monsters will have 1-1 HD; in such cases, use the base as the HD.

Ability | Abi

Is an unique trait that a monster or NPC possesses. These abilities can have various effects and are often used to distinguish one creature from another. These abilities can include special attacks, resistances, vulnerabilities, or other unique traits that make the monster stand out. Players will typically roll with a burden against monster abilities, indicating that there might be additional challenges or consequences associated with these traits.


|| |:---|:---| |HD| 1 base + nHD (x HP) | |Att| 1x Feature or Weapon: ndn damage| |Abi| Add ability here... remember players will roll with burden against Monster's abilities| |Na.| 1dx|

Example for Swarm:

Swarm of Insects

|| |:---|:---| |HD| 1 base + 3HD (10 HP) | |Att| 1x Swarm: 2 with armor or 4 without armor damage| |Abi| Only harmed by fire, extreme cold, sleep spells (affect the whole swarm), smoke (drives off), or other attacks as the GM wishes.| |Na.| 1 or 1d3|

Swarm of Bats

|| |:---|:---| |HD| 1 base + HD (2 hp)| |Att| 1x Swarm 1d6 damage| |Abi| Players will roll with burden when attacking the swarm or bat. The bats will be circling over their heads causing confusion. Magic-User is unable to cast spells if the swarm is on them. Bats will roll morale at the top of every round.| |Na.| 1d12|


|| |:---|:---| |HD| 1 base + HD (4 hp)| |Arm|No armor| |Att| 1x beak 1d3 + blood-sucking damage| |Abi|Blood sucking: Upon a successful attack, attaches and drains victim’s blood: 1d3 automatic damage per round.| |Na.|1d10/(3d12)|

Small or Medium

|| |:---|:---| |HD| 2 base + nHD (x hp)| |Arm| -dx | |Att| nx Feature or Weapon 1dn damage| |Abi| Add ability here... remember players will roll with burden against Monster's abilities| |Na.| 1dx|

Example for Small or Medium:


|| |:---|:---| |HD| 2 base + HD (6 HP)| |Arm|-1| |Att|1x Mace (Medium tag (2) + HD damage)close, 3 quality| |Abi| If is in a group of 4+, there is a leader who is a high-level cleric selected from OSR resource or 100 level-less spell. | |Na|1d6|

Ape, White

|| |:---|:---| |HD|2 base + 4 HD (14 hp)|
|Arm| -d3 |
|Att| 2x Claw attack (2+HD dmg) or 1x thrown rock (1+HD dmg)| |Abi|| |Na.|1d6|


|| |:---|:---| |HD| 2 base + HD (5 hp) | |Arm| -1| |Save/Check:| 2 | |Att|1x Weapon (Small/Medium/Great Tag + 1 damage).| |Abi| They use disguise or trickery to surprise victims. The player takes a burden roll with INSIGHT to determine if they are being tricked.| |Na.|1d8/(3d10)|


|| |:---|:---| |HD|2 base + 1+1 HD (8 hp)| |Arm|-1| |Att|1x Weapon (Weapon Tag+ HD damage)| |Abi|Enraged whenever it attacks a human or other humanoids it will do an extra +2 damage with its attack.| |Na|1d6/(3d10)|


|| |:---|:---| |HD| 2 base + 4 HD (14 hp) | |Arm| -d3| |Att|1x Weapon (Small/Medium/Great Tag + 4 damage).| |Abi| They can surprise the player on a 1-3 chance on a d6. The Player will roll Insight with a burden. If they fail the roll, they are surprised in the first round.| | Na.| 2d4|


|| |:---|:---| |HD|2 base + 4 HD (16 hp)| |Arm| -d3| |Att| 1 x Bite (2dmg) or 1x weapon (weapon tag + HD damage)| |Abi| In trickery, players take a burden roll with INSIGHT to determine if they are being tricked. This creature will attempt to kill a PC and take their role, then attack the party by surprise. Reversion: If killed, reverts to its original form. Spell Immunity: Unaffected by sleep and charm spells.| |Na.|1d6/(2d6)|


|| |:---|:---| |HD|2 base + 2 HD (8 hp)| |Arm| -d2| |Att| 1x Weapon (Weapon Tag + HD damage)| |Abi|| |Na|1d6/(5d8)|


|| |:---|:---| |HD| 2 base + 2 HD (8 hp)| |Arm|-d2| |S/C| 2|
|Att| 1x Weapon (Weapon tag + HD damage). |Abi|| |Na|1d4/(2d12)|


|| |:---|:---| |HD|2 base + HD (5 hp)| |Arm| | |Att| | |Abi| Due to their small stature, they will roll with a boost for any mobility check or save rolls.| |Na.|3d6|


|| |:---|:---| |HD|2 base + 1-1 HD (6 hp)| |Arm| -1| |Att| Weapon from 1 to 2 dmg (depending on the item held).| |Abi| Infravision, they hate the sun; if players are in a location with no shade, they roll with Boost for attack and defense against them.| |Na.|1d4*2|


|| |:---|:---| |HD| 2 base+ 2 HD (8 hp)| |Arm| -d2| |Att| 2x Claw (1 dmg + paralysis), 1x Bite (2 dmg + paralysis) | |Abi| Paralysis (player must roll a GRIT save). If it fails, the player is paralyzed for 1d3 turns.| |Na.|1d6|


|| |:---|:---| |HD| 2 base + 3 HD (10 hp)| |Arm| -d3| |Att| Weapon from 1 to 2 dmg (depending on the item held).| |Abi| Charm Person, the players must roll an Essence save with a burden. If they fail, the players will defend the harpy. If the harpy dies, the charm is broken.| |Na.|1d6|


|| |:---|:---| |HD| 2 base +2 HD (8 hp)| |Arm| -d2| |Att| Weapon from 1 to 2 dmg (depending on the item held).| |Abi| Infravision, they hate the sun; if players are in a location with no shade, they roll with Boost for attack and defense.| | Na.|1d4|


|| |:---|:---| |HD| 2 base + 3 HD (11 hp)| |Arm| -d3| |Att| Poison tail 2 damage. Whenever the poison tail hits a player, they will roll with GRIT. If they fail, they will be poisoned. The poison will do 1 damage at the beginning of every round.| |Abi| Imps can detect magic and turn invisible once per day. They are willing servants to powerful clerics or magic-users.| |Na.|1d3|


|| |:---|:---| |HD|2 base+ ½ HD (3 hp)| |Arm| -1| |Att| Weapon from 1 to 2 dmg (depending on the item held).| |Abi| Ambush, players will roll with Burden when surprised.| |Na.|4d4|

Name: Vile Sporefiend

|| |:---|:---| |HD| 2 base + 3 HD (11 HP) | |Arm| -d2 | |Att| 2x Noxious Tentacles: 1d4 + Poison damage | |Abi| Toxic Cloud: Releases a poisonous cloud upon death. Players must make a GRIT save or suffer ongoing poison damage for 1d4 rounds.| |Na.| 1d8|


The Vile Sporefiend is a grotesque creature, resembling a twisted combination of plant and insect. Its body is covered in slimy, toxic spores that exude a nauseating odor. The creature moves with surprising agility, using its noxious tentacles to strike at unsuspecting prey.


Vile Sporefiends are often found lurking in damp, dark environments, waiting for potential victims to approach. When threatened, they unleash their toxic cloud as a last-ditch effort to harm those around them.


In battle, the Vile Sporefiend relies on its Noxious Tentacles to deliver quick and poisonous strikes. The toxic cloud serves as both a defensive mechanism and a means of deterring attackers. Caution is advised when facing these creatures, as their insidious nature can catch even seasoned adventurers off guard.

NPC Creation

Players will encounter countless characters; some will be brave or foolish to fight with or against your playable characters. I love to keep things simple. If a character is a regular citizen who has never adventured outside their village or city, then the character should have 1 all across the board. If it is a merchant or someone who goes out of the village and travels quite a bit, give that NPC a 2 all across the board. If it is a battle-trained NPC, then a 3 should be the number to go with. Just roll or give the average number you assigned to the NPC Hit Die to generate HP.

NPC Example:

Name Urigin Swiftfoot
Heritage/Race: Halfling
HP 12
Armor Rag Clothing (No Burden on Might and Mobility check, or save)
Attack Dagger, 1 + (MIGHT) dmg
Ability Due to Halfling’s small stature, they will roll with a boost for any defense and mobility check or save rolls.
Holding 80 coins

This NPC character will react depending on the reaction roll of a d6. A GM or Player can make this roll.

Roll Result
1-2 Hostile
3 Negative
4 Uncertain
5 Positive
6 Friendly

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