The Seclusium of theVikkodamus

Exploring the Art of Game Mastering

Seclusium of TheVikkodamus

Game Mechanics [Updated 1/30/2024]

In this game, players have attributes, and each attribute is associated with a specific number of d6 dice they will roll when attempting an action related to that attribute. A roll of 5 on a die is considered a soft success, while a roll of 6 is a critical success. Any result below 5 is considered a soft failure, and if a player rolls a 1, it's considered a fumble, resulting in potentially harmful consequences.

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Game Mechanics

In BareBones RPG, players possess attributes, each associated with a specific number of six-sided dice for actions related to that attribute. Rolling a 5 on a die is a soft success, while a roll of 6 is a critical success. Any result below 4 is a soft failure, and a roll of 1 is a fumble, potentially leading to harmful consequences. However, if a player holds their action for a round or wants to react to an enemy's action, the success threshold is reduced to 4, instead of the usual 5-6.

Character Creation

Rolling for Stats

For players who enjoy rolling for their stats, there are two options:

Using a Standard Six-sided Die (1d6):

Roll a standard six-sided die (1d6). Divide the result by 2, rounding up if necessary. Assign the rounded result to the corresponding stat in the order: MIGHT, MOBILITY, INSIGHT, GRIT, and ESSENCE.

Example: Roll a D6 and get a 4. Divide 4 by 2 to get a result of 2 (rounded up), assigning it to the relevant stat. Note: If you are new to this, remember that a standard six-sided die is commonly referred to as a D6.

For Dice Enthusiasts (Dice Goblins) with a Three-sided Die (1d3):

Use a three-sided die (1d3) for a straight roll down in order for Might, Mobility, Insight, Grit, and Essence.

Example: Roll the three-sided die five times, assigning each result in order to the corresponding stat.

Customization Through Attribute Allocation

Players begin with 8 points to allocate among their attributes, with each attribute having a minimum value of 1. This system provides the freedom to create a character quickly or collaborate with the game master (GM) for a more tailored character.

BareBones Attributes:

Calculating Hit Points

In BareBones, the player will start with 10 + GRIT to generate max HP.

Optional Rule:

GM may allow 13+GRIT for a stronger hero.

How much can I hold?

The playable character can hold up to 9 + MIGHT slots. Carrying more than they can handle results in being encumbered. The player will move at half their speed, and every roll will be with Burden on their Mobility, check, and defense rolls. Unless they have one, their attribute will go down to zero.

How Much Currency Do I Start With?

The player will roll 3d6 * 10 (fantasy setting) or 3d6 * 100 (modern setting) for money, gold, or credit. This currency can be used to purchase their starting gear, weapon, and armor.

Bones Luck

Players will begin with 3 Bones Luck. Bones Luck can help change roll results:

Players can gain Bones Luck with every fumble roll. Players cannot use BL with fumble roll on a check, combat, save, and magic.

Action and Movement

Player's turn: they can move up to 30 feet, attack, defend, or wait for a reaction. If the player uses double movement, they can move up to 60 feet. Then, the player will wait for the next round to attack.

Initiative Rules:

In a battle encounter, a designated player rolls a die on behalf of their group to determine the starting order. The player turns to initiate from the left side of the GM and progresses clockwise around the table.

Optional Initiative Rule:

You can use individual initiative if you like. Both the enemy and the player will roll a d6 + MOBILITY. The highest roll will determine the winner of the initiative. This roll will occur at the beginning of every turn.

Optional Initiative Rule:

The GM uses a deck of cards and assigns each player and enemy a card. The highest number on the card determines the turn order.

Joker Rules:

Attack Roll

It is the player's turn, and they decide to go for an attack, depending on the type of weapon they may hold. They will then roll for their respective Attribute.

Enemy's Turn

Enemies can move and attack or take cover. When attacking, the player must make a Mobility Save roll.

Roll a Mobility Save to Dodge an Attack

Players and NPCs about to be attacked will roll Mobility save against an upcoming attack.

When the PC holds a shield, it will negate a -1 damage when hit. If the roll ends with multiple 1s, the shield will break. The PC can ignore all damage from one attack but the shield breaks.

The Rule of Failure and Success Roll with Multiple Dice

In BareBones RPG, players and enemies may roll more than 1 die. Success and failure rolls will differ in combat whenever multiple dice are rolled.

Aiding or Interfering


In cases where a player receives aid during a check, the rolling player gains a +1 bonus for each player who helps. This bonus can turn a roll of 4 into a successful roll of 5 with the help of additional players.

Designer's Note:


In scenarios where a player encounters interference during a check, the rolling player incurs a -1 penalty for each interfering player. This penalty can result in a successful roll of 5 turning into an unsuccessful roll of 4 due to the presence of interfering players.

A Boost and Burden Roll

BareBones uses Boost and Burden .

Two-Weapon Fighter Rules:

A player who creates a two-weapon fighter will follow the Burden rule.

Burn Mechanic

Players can use their attributes to push their limit once a session using the burn action with the chosen attribute. Burn mechanics should only be used when the player succeeds in their roll. Players who critically fumble a roll cannot use the burn mechanic. The PC will not lose an Attribute point for the first time using Burn. However, if the player uses burn on the same attribute the second time, the player will lose 1 point. The third time, with the same attribute, the player will lose 2 points. They can recover their points while holding a critical success role or taking a few days to rest.

Declare with Success

Declare and Shall Receive


BareBones is a dangerous game for PCs, with death being a possible outcome at the table. 0 means you are dying.

Saved By A Bone

A player may roll a Saved by a Bone. This is our death save. If the player rolls, a 1 BL is not allowed.

Weapon Tag

If not rolling for damage, the player will use their MIGHT/INSIGHT as a bonus.

Optional Rule

PC can roll for damage instead of automatically doing damage. They will use the damage bonus instead of the attribute points.

Designer Notes:

Damage Bonuses

The PC damage bonus will be half of their attributes rounded down.


When players are in a somewhat safe area, with no active encounter:

Weapons and Gear


BareBones Spell Casting

Magic is accessible to anyone with points in their Essence attribute. To cast a spell, roll your Essence attribute; if you roll a 5 or 6, the spell will take effect. However, be cautious of those fumble rolls, as they may have unintended consequences for the spell-caster. If player fails to cast their spell, the gm can afflict damage or make the pressence of the players known to the guards or monsters. Keep in mind that magic is dangerous! Only a brave or a foolish soul may try this mysterious arcane power without considering its effects or repercussions. Magic-User will roll d3+Essence every morning to determine how many times they can cast their spells.

The GM may allow spells from other OSR books or resources. Conversion will be necessary to align with the mechanics of BareBones RPG.

100 Level-Less Spells

Player can roll or pick their spells. Spells from Knave by Ben Milton.

Roll Spell Effect
1 Adhere The object is covered in extremely sticky slime.
2 Animate Object The object obeys your commands as best it can. It can walk 15 feet per round.
3 Anthropomorphize A touched animal either gains human intelligence or human appearance for ESSENCE days.
4 Arcane Eye You can see through a magical floating eyeball that flies around at your command.
5 Astral Prison An object is frozen in time and space within an invulnerable crystal shell.
6 Attract ESSENCE+1 objects are strongly magnetically attracted to each other if they come within 10 feet.
7 Auditory Illusion You create illusory sounds that seem to come from a direction of your choice.
8 Babble A creature must loudly repeat everything you think. It is otherwise mute.
9 Beast Form You and your possessions become mundane animals.
10 Befuddle Essence creatures of your choice cannot form new short-term memories for the spell's duration.
11 Bend Fate Roll ESSENCE+1. Whenever you must roll a d6 after casting the spell, you must choose and discard one of the rolled results until they are all gone.
12 Bird Person Your arms turn into huge bird wings.
13 Body Swap You switch bodies with a creature you touch. If one body dies, the other dies as well.
14 Catherine A woman wearing a blue dress appears until the end of a spell. She will obey polite, safe requests.
15 Charm Essence creatures treat you like a friend.
16 Command A creature obeys a single, three-word command that does not harm it.
17 Comprehend You become fluent in all languages.
18 Control Plants Nearby plants and trees obey you and gain the ability to move at 5 feet per round.
19 Control Weather You may alter the type of weather at will, but you do not otherwise control it.
20 Counterspell Make an opposed ESSENCE save against the ESSENCE of the caster of a nearby spell. After you're able to, you may cancel the spell.
21 Deafen All nearby creatures are deafened.
22 Detect Magic You hear nearby magical auras singing. Volume and harmony signify the aura’s power and refinement.
23 Disassemble Any of your body parts may be detached and reattached at will without causing pain or damage. You can still control them.
24 Disguise You may alter the appearance of ESSENCE characters at will as long as they remain humanoid. Attempts to duplicate other characters will seem uncanny.
25 Displace An object appears to be up to ESSENCE×10 ft from its actual position.
26 Earthquake The ground begins shaking violently. Structures may be damaged or collapse.
27 Elasticity Your body can stretch up to Essence×10 ft.
28 Elemental Wall A straight wall of ice or fire ESSENCE×40 ft long and 10ft high rises from the ground.
29 Filch Essence visible items teleport to your hands.
30 Fog Cloud Dense fog spreads out from you.
31 Frenzy Essence creatures erupt in a frenzy of violence.
32 Gate A portal to a random plane opens.
33 Gravity Shift You can change the direction of gravity (for yourself only) once per round.
34 Greed ESSENCE creatures develop an overwhelming urge to possess a visible item of your choice.
35 Haste Your movement speed is tripled.
36 Hatred Essence creatures develop a deep hatred of another creature or group of creatures and wish to destroy it.
37 Hear Whispers You can hear faint sounds clearly.
38 Hover An object hovers, frictionless, 2 ft above the ground. It can hold up to ESSENCE humanoids.
39 Hypnotize A creature enters a trance and will truthfully answer ESSENCE yes or no questions you ask.
40 Icy Touch A thick ice layer spreads across a touched surface, up to ESSENCE×10 ft in radius.
41 Illuminate A floating light moves as you command.
42 Increase Gravity The gravity in an area triples.
43 Invisible Tether Two objects within 10ft of each other cannot be moved more than 10 ft apart.
44 Knock ESSENCE nearby mundane or magical locks unlock.
45 Leap You can jump up to ESSENCE×10 ft in the air.
46 Liquid Air The air around you becomes swimmable.
47 Magic Dampener All nearby magical effects have their effectiveness halved.
48 Manse A sturdy, furnished cottage appears for ESSENCE×12 hours. You can permit and forbid entry to it at will.
49 Marble Madness Your pockets are full of marbles, and will refill every round.
50 Masquerade ESSENCE characters’ appearances and voices become identical to a touched character.
51 Miniaturize You and ESSENCE other touched creatures are reduced to the size of a mouse.
52 Mirror Image ESSENCE illusory duplicates of yourself appear under your control.
53 Mirrorwalk A mirror becomes a gateway to another mirror that you looked into today.
54 Multiarm You gain ESSENCE extra arms.
55 Night Sphere An ESSENCE×40 ft wide sphere of darkness displaying the night sky appears.
56 Objectify You become any inanimate object between the size of a grand piano and an apple.
57 Ooze Form You become a living jelly.
58 Pacify ESSENCE creatures have an aversion to violence.
59 Phantom Coach A ghostly coach appears until the end of the spell. It moves unnaturally fast over any terrain, including water.
60 Phobia ESSENCE creatures become terrified of an object of your choice.
61 Pit A pit 10ft wide and ESSENCE×5 ft deep opens in the ground.
62 Primeval Surge An object grows to the size of an elephant. If it is an animal, it is enraged.
63 Psychometry The referee answers ESSENCE yes or no questions about a touched object.
64 Pull An object of any size is pulled directly towards you with the strength of ESSENCE men for one round.
65 Push An object of any size is pushed directly away from you with the strength of ESSENCE men for one round.
66 Raise Dead ESSENCE skeletons rise from the ground to serve you. They are incredibly stupid and can only obey simple orders.
67 Raise Spirit The spirit of a dead body manifests and will answer L questions.
68 Read Mind You can hear the surface thoughts of nearby creatures.
69 Repel ESSENCE+1 objects are strongly magnetically repelled from each other if they come within 10 feet.
70 Scry You can see through the eyes of a creature you touched earlier today.
71 Sculpt Elements All inanimate material behaves like clay in your hands.
72 Shroud Essence creatures are invisible until they move.
73 Shuffle ESSENCE creatures instantly switch places. Determine where they end up randomly.
74 Sleep ESSENCE creatures fall into a light sleep.
75 Smoke Form Your body becomes living smoke.
76 Snail Knight 10 minutes after casting, a knight sitting astride a giant snail rides into view. He can answer most questions about quests and chivalry and may aid you if he finds you worthy.
77 Sniff You can smell even the faintest traces of scents.
78 Sort Inanimate items sort themselves according to the categories you set. The categories must be visually verifiable.
79 Spectacle An unreal but impressive illusion of your choice appears under your control. It may be up to the size of a palace and has full motion and sound.
80 Spell Seize Cast this as a reaction to another spell going off to make a temporary copy of it that you can cast at any time before this spell ends.
81 Spider Climb You can climb surfaces like a spider.
82 Summon Cube Once per second (6 times per round) you may summon or banish a 3-foot-wide cube of earth. New cubes must be affixed to the earth or other cubes.
83 Swarm You become a swarm of crows, rats, or piranhas. You only take damage from area effects.
84 Telekinesis You may mentally move ESSENCE items.
85 Telepathy ESSENCE+1 Creatures can hear each other’s thoughts, no matter how far apart they move.
86 Teleport An object disappears and reappears on the ground in a visible, clear area up to ESSENCEx40ft away.
87 Thaumaturgic Anchor The object becomes the target of every spell cast near it.
88 Thicket A thicket of trees and dense brush up to ESSENCEx40ft wide suddenly sprouts up.
89 Time Jump An object disappears as it jumps ESSENCE*10 minutes into the future. When it returns, it appears in the unoccupied area nearest to where it left.
90 Summon Idol A carved stone statue the size of a four-poster bed rises from the ground.
91 Time Rush Time in a 40ft bubble starts moving 10 times faster.
92 Time Slow Time in a 40ft bubble slows to 10%.
93 True Sight You see through all nearby illusions.
94 Upwell A spring of seawater appears.
95 Vision You control entirely what a creature sees.
96 Visual Illusion A silent, immobile illusion of your choice appears, up to the size of a bedroom.
97 Ward A silver circle 40ft across appears on the ground. Choose one thing that cannot cross it: Living creatures, dead creatures, projectiles or metal.
98 Web Your wrists can shoot thick webbing.
99 Wizard Mark Your finger can shoot a stream of ulfire-colored paint. This paint is only visible to you, and can be seen at any distance, even through solid objects.
100 X-Ray Vision You gain X-Ray vision.

Spell Mishap

This rule operates similarly to Critical or Fumble rules. When rolling dice for an ESSENCE check, if both 1s and 6s appear on the same roll, the outcome is determined as follows:

Magic is a perilous power, only to be tampered with by the bravest or most foolish. The GM can consult the following table when multiple ones are rolled on a single ESSENCE roll. Alternatively, the GM may inflict damage on the spell caster equal to the number of rolled 1s against the casting player's Hit Points or Essence.

Roll Spell Mishap
11 Uncontrollable Laughter: Everyone laughs uncontrollably for 1d4 rounds.
12 Invisibility: The caster becomes invisible, losing control over actions.
13 Elemental Surge: Random elemental effect (1 - Fire, 2 - Ice, 3 - Lightning, 4 - Earth).
14 Shrink: The caster shrinks in size, becoming half as tall for 1d6 hours.
15 Polymorph: The caster is transformed into a small creature for 1d4 hours.
16 Time Warp: Time briefly distorts, causing aging or de-aging by 1d6 years.
21 Teleportation: Caster teleported to a random location within a 1d100-mile radius.
22 Mirror Image: Illusory copies of the caster appear, making it unclear which is real.
23 Gravity Flux: Fluctuating gravity causes everyone to float for 1d4 rounds.
24 Shadow Binding: Caster bound by magical shadows, unable to move for 1d6 rounds.
25 Animal Transformation: Caster transformed into a random animal for 1d4 hours.
26 Mind Swap: Minds of two random creatures, including the caster, are swapped for 1d6 rounds.
31 Colorful Explosion: A Burst of vibrant colors blinds everyone in the area for 1d4 rounds.
32 Echoing Voices: Caster's words are echoed loudly, making communication difficult.
33 Telekinetic Surge: Objects around the caster are lifted and thrown randomly for 1d6 rounds.
34 Memory Loss: Caster temporarily forgets the last 1d4 hours of events.
35 Shadowy Whispers: Eerie whispers cause unease in the area for 1d6 rounds.
36 Illusory Terrain: Surroundings briefly transformed into an illusory landscape.
41 Plant Growth: Uncontrolled plant growth obstructs movement for 1d4 rounds.
42 Sonic Boom: Deafening noise deafens everyone in the area for 1d6 rounds.
43 Ice Patch: Slippery ice forms, causing Dexterity saves or prone status.
44 Gravity Well: Increased gravity makes movement difficult for 1d4 rounds.
45 Telepathic Link: Caster gains a temporary telepathic link with a random creature for 1d6 minutes.
46 Mirror Reflection: Caster's reflection becomes independent and acts independently for 1d6 rounds.
51 Magic Dampening: All magic in the area is temporarily suppressed for 1d4 rounds.
52 Elemental Convergence: Two random elemental effects occur simultaneously.
53 Temporal Stutter: Time briefly stutters, causing a momentary freeze for everyone in the area.
54 Reality Ripple: The boundary between realities weakens, creating bizarre visual distortions.
55 Ethereal Phantoms: Ghostly images of past events briefly manifest in the area.
56 Teleportation Cascade: Multiple teleportation effects occur simultaneously.
61 Wild Magic Surge: Roll on a wild magic table for an additional random effect.
62 Planar Breach: Briefly opens a small portal to another plane, releasing a random creature.
63 Psychic Feedback: Caster experiences intense psychic feedback, taking psychic damage.
64 Soul Exchange: Caster briefly swaps souls with a random creature in the area.
65 Reality Shift: The environment undergoes a temporary surreal transformation.
66 Cataclysmic Event: A major magical event occurs, reshaping the surrounding landscape or summoning a powerful entity.

Wild Magic Table (d66)

Roll Wild Magic Effect
11 Random Elemental Surge (Roll a d4: 1 - Fire, 2 - Ice, 3 - Lightning, 4 - Earth).
12 Reality Distortion: Surroundings briefly warp and shift.
13 Teleportation Mishap: Caster teleports to a random location within sight.
14 Temporal Anomaly: Time briefly accelerates or slows down.
15 Mirror Image: Illusory duplicates of the caster appear, confusing everyone.
16 Arcane Amplification: Caster gains a random minor magical ability for 1d6 rounds.
21 Invisibility Burst: Caster becomes invisible for a short duration.
22 Gravity Flux: Gravity in the area becomes unpredictable, affecting movement.
23 Polymorphic Burst: Caster briefly transforms into a random creature.
24 Psychic Surge: Everyone in the vicinity hears each other's thoughts.
25 Enchanted Echo: The last spell cast is repeated immediately at a random target.
26 Colorful Radiance: A dazzling array of colors fills the air, blinding onlookers.
31 Elemental Shield: Caster gains resistance to the next damage type they receive.
32 Time Loop: The last round of combat repeats as if time rewounds briefly.
33 Ethereal Phantoms: Ghostly apparitions appear and whisper cryptic messages.
34 Shapeshifter's Gift: Casters can transform into any creature they can imagine.
35 Magic Surge: The next magical effect in the area is amplified in power.
36 Shadow Veil: The area becomes shrouded in magical darkness for a short duration.
41 Telekinetic Fling: Nearby objects are flung into the air and dance around the caster.
42 Elemental Imprint: Caster leaves a temporary mark corresponding to their elemental affinity.
43 Astral Projection: Caster's consciousness temporarily travels to the Astral Plane.
44 Reality Weave: Caster can alter the fabric of reality in a minor way.
45 Soundwave Surge: A burst of sound disorients everyone in the vicinity.
46 Arcane Echo: The next spell cast has a delayed secondary effect.
51 Fey Plane Glimpse: A brief view of the Fey plane enchants the surroundings.
52 Elemental Infusion: Caster's attacks gain elemental damage for a short duration.
53 Spatial Displacement: Caster and target swap places unexpectedly.
54 Chrono Disturbance: Time becomes difficult to track for a short duration.
55 Holographic Illusion: Multiple illusory images of the caster appear, confusing enemies.
56 Temporal Echo: The caster simultaneously exists in two places.

| 61 | Elemental Burst: A wave of energy corresponding to the caster's elemental alignment emanates outward. | 62 | Blinking Shadows: Caster gains the ability to step briefly into the plane of shadows. | | 63 | Quantum Flux: Nearby objects briefly exhibit quantum behavior. | | 64 | Enchanted Infestation: A harmless but colorful magical effect infests the area. | | 65 | Elemental Fusion: Caster fuses briefly with an elemental, gaining new abilities. | | 66 | Reality Shatter: A localized distortion briefly rends the fabric of reality. |

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BareBones RPG is licensed under the CC by 4.0 Written by Victor Gregory Matos (TheVikkodamus)

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